Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stay Posted....

As this school year came to a close I was looking back over the last year, and thinking of ALL of the WONDERFUL students that I had the pleasure of teaching. I have so many fond memories from all of of my classes... I really just can't believe that the year is already over and soon all my freshmen will be SOPHOMORES! I am so proud of everyone who made it through freshmen year with grace, and I wish all of my students the best of luck next year! (You guys better come and visit me!)

Summer News- I will continue posting to our blog, and I encourage previous students of mine to keep checking for new info and links throughout the summer. (You don't have to be a freshmen to read the "freshmen seminar" blog ;)

Gears & Gardens- I will be making phone calls and house calls in the next few days in order to get students signed up for Gears and Gardens, a club sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Denver & Good Bikes. Reminder this club is two days a week for approximately 3 hours, we will be restoring bikes (that you will get to keep if you stay committed to the club throughout the summer) as well as working in a local community garden. Not to mention that you food and transportation will be provided and you will get to hang out with yours truly... Ms. B over the summer. Bam!

Stay safe and have fun :)

Ms. Bowman

How to Read a Nutrition Label :)

Soda= SUGAR!

Color Me Healthy!!!

Types of Colleges

*Remember there are pro's and con's to living in a dorm, and not all colleges offer housing.

Steps to Take NOW to be College Bound!

  • Carefully select your classes based on what you want to major in.

  • Take as many AP (advanced placement or college level) classes as you can WHILE in high school.

  • Keep an eye on your GPA (grade point average) remember your GPA is a numerical assessment or summary of your grades; your GPA is accumulative- meaning that if you do poorly your freshman year it will be difficult (though not impossible) to improve your GPA. Improving your GPA takes time, and most colleges have a minimum GPA requirement, this is why it is so important to stay focused. Good grades= choices.

  • Work to build strong relationships with staff at the high school, you will need these people as both a  job references and to write you letters of recommendation when you are applying to college. NEVER assume someone will be a reference for you, you must ask and honor their decision (even if they say no).

  • Get involved in extra curricular activities such as sports and clubs, this looks good to colleges and there could be scholarship opportunities :) Also, VOLUNTEER! (Not only because is feels good but also because colleges want to see what you have done to better your community.)

  • Study for your college entrance exams.

*Bonus question- what is the college entrance exam you will take?