Monday, March 25, 2013

Something to Think About

Do you have a question?


Who remembers what SQ3R stands for? (Hint: this is a method used to study your notes.) King size candy for the first person to get it right!!!!

Meditate :)

Job Interview


Goal Setting

Stress Management

How do you handle stress? What are some of the methods that we talked about for reducing stress?

Are you a good role model?


Role Models

Who is Your Role Model?

Ethics Poster

What are Ethics?

Ethics are moral principals that govern behavior, we described them in class as being rules that you make for yourself. Because you are in charge of establishing your own ethics, you are also in charge of holding yourself accountable to them. ***Below are the Cowboy Ethics by James P. Owens, I will give 5 tickets to anyone who can remember and explain what any 3 out of the 10 Cowboy Ethics mean. (We went over this!)

Assignment: In groups come up with a list of 10 ethics based on a theme and present to the class, below are two examples from this semester.

Just for Fun...

Be Yourself :)

A Great Book Full of Daily Affirmations For Teens, Check It Out!!!

First Assignment- Vision Board

My Example
A work in progress...

Student Example
(This is an example of an *AP)


Just Try!

Don't Procrastinate on Your Key Assignments!

Key Assignment #3

Planning your Resume




Phone Number:


Objective: (1 sentence describing the job that you are seeking, remember sentences start with a capital letter and end in a period.)

Work Experience

Position Title:

Organization (Company Name):

Location (Full Address):

Start Date (Month and Year):
End Date (Month and Year):

Average Hours Per Week:
Grades Participated:



School (Full Name):

Location (Full Address):

Degree/Grade Level:

Start Date:
End Date:

Volunteer Services

Position Title:

Organization (Company Name):

Location (Full Address):

Start Date (Month and Year):
End Date (Month and Year):

Average Hours Per Week:
Grades Participated:



First Reference Name:






Second Reference Name:





Third Reference Name:





Example of Career Flyer

This flyer is *Advanced Proficient

Career Flyer (Key Assignment #2)

Career Flyer Step 2


Flyer Must Include:


1.     Name of Career

2.     Job description

3.     Steps you need to take in High school to get that career (classes that you can take at ACH that would help)

4.     Education after High school needed

5.     Salary and Outlook

6.     Why it is a good job

7.     A picture, clip art, or computer image that showcases the career


Flyer looks/is:

1.     Appealing

2.     Eye catching

3.     Neat and not cluttered

4.     Contains a readable font

5.     Proofread for spelling and punctuation

Key Assignment #2

Career Exploration Step 1


Go to the following website and research 3 careers you would be interested in. To record your research fill out the following work sheet.


Career Choices:


1.  Choose three careers from the website listed above.

          Career 1:

          Career 2:

          Career 3:

2. What type of work would you do if you went into this field?

Career 1:

          Career 2:

          Career 3:

3. What type of training or education is required for this career?

Career 1:

          Career 2:

          Career 3:

4. What is the salary range for this career?

Career 1:

          Career 2:

          Career 3:

5. What is a similar occupation to this career?

Career 1:

          Career 2:

          Career 3:

6. What is the work environment like for this career?

Career 1:

          Career 2:

          Career 3:

Rubric for Key Assignment #1

Sample Essay for Key Assignment #1

Isabella Arellano

Freshmen Seminar, Period 3

The Many Layers of Me

My name is Isabella Arellano, I am a freshman at Aurora Central High School. I was born and raised in Denver Colorado; I grew up with my two older sisters and my mom. My favorite childhood memory is going to a movie every Christmas with my family, because family is very important to me. In middle school I was on the basketball team. My best friend was Elisa, she was also on the basketball team, and we used to practice together every day during lunch. I am looking forward to trying out for the basketball team at Aurora Central. Some of my other interests include reading, the Twilight series are my favorite books, and listening to music. I like all kinds of music but rap is my favorite, I grew up listening to the Mexican music that my mom listened to. When I think of my future I imagine I will have a successful job in order to help provide for my family. I would like to be either a nurse or a midwife because I like to help people and I am interested in health.

            I have many goals for my life but the first is to graduate from Aurora Central in 2016, with all A’s and B’s by the time I am 18. After graduation I would like to go to college in Colorado for 2 years, and then transfer to a college in California, because I have always wanted to live in California. My second goal is save $100 a month until I am sixteen to use as a down payment on a used car. I will earn money by helping my mother with chores and babysitting for my aunt and uncle. By the time I am sixteen I should have $2,400 to put towards my car. I am not sure what kind of car I want to get yet but I would like a red car with a nice stereo system.

            I value many things, first of all my family because they have always been there to love and support me. My second value is my friends because they have also been there for me, and because of them I have many wonderful memories. I trust my friends because I can tell them anything. My third value is my education; I know that without an education I would not be able to reach the goals that I have set for myself. I also value my independence, now that I am in high school I have a lot more freedom then I had in middle school and I enjoy getting to make my own decisions. The last thing that I value is basketball; I think that being involved in sports has taught me many skills, like how to work with my team mates. I live my life according to three ethics; the first is to do what makes you happy, that is why I want to be a nurse because I think that job will make me happy. Second of all be yourself, and finally do not let others bring you down. This is really important to remember throughout life but especially in high school.

            Honestly I had never thought of myself as a role model, but there are some people on my basketball team who do look up to me, and I realize now that I am a role model to my younger cousins. My cousins are two and seven years old and I can tell that they look up to me because they copy everything that I do and say. Someday I will have my own children who I aill be a role model to as well. I have always looked up to my two older sisters. One of them is in college and the other one just had her first baby. They are both excellent role models because they are successful and happy in their life.

Course Outline


Syllabus Pg#1

Welcome to Ms. B's Freshmen Seminar Blog, on this blog you will find past and current assignments, interesting articles, job links, and much more... Enjoy!